My name is Igor Lakic, and I'm from Croatia - a small European country situated on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. My web development journey started in 2012. Even since my early teenage years, I was into IT, but finding the right niche was difficult. Why difficult, you wonder? As you might already be aware, IT is an enormous industry these days, and one can easily get lost in this vast amount of knowledge and opportunities.
Being a man who believes that Internet is one of the most important inventions of the modern age (right after the invention of the alternating current), and mainly because a major part of humankind depends on it, I've decided that web development is the part of the IT industry that I will to participate in, contribute to, and finally, leave my mark on.
Web technologies such as Drupal, HTML(5), CSS(3), Sass/LibSass (advanced user), Susy, SingularityGS, Twig, Atomic Design, Pattern Lab, Javascript, GSAP (Web Animations), PHP, LAMP, Apache, MariaDB, Bash, and Docker form my knowledge and skills portfolio, and I use them on a daily basis.
Since web development is not just about coding, but also about art, I use tools like Gimp, Inkscape, and Pencil in my work. For both web development and website maintenance I use Git, and run everything on a Linux-based OS.
I’m a huge sympathizer of Free and open source technologies and the community that is growing steadily and that contributes to the development of technology on a global scale. To add to that, I'm currently in charge of maintaining 2 packages for the Arch Linux distribution: apache22 and php-apache22.
Drupal is my web development framework of choice because, feature-wise, it is the most versatile and most advanced Content Management Framework (CMF) that is actively developed and maintained by an open source community of IT experts from all around the world.
Drupal is also very popular among IT experts as it has gained its fame for its high level of security, modularity and robustness. This makes it stand out from other CMF’s right from the beginning. If you're interested, you can learn more about Drupal and its features.
Apart from developing websites, I also play guitar - and have been doing it for a long time. I believe that music drives the world and refines people, and it also allows me to express myself, plus serves as a great source of relaxation.
Now that you know a bit more about me, I would like to thank you for taking the time to visit my website! I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope we will soon work together on a successful project.